Friday, May 12, 2006

It will always have a place in the steam pipe trunk distribution venue of my heart

The show airs its last new episode Sunday night. And when I say the show, I of course mean the one show that I never miss, ever. That I plan weekend activities around. Last Sunday night some friends wanted to meet for karaoke at around 8. I left my apartment to meet up with them at 8:59. (And am I glad I did? Well, last week's episode, Institutional Memory, was the best episode of the season.)

But anyway. Once the show's gone, they'll still being running it endlessly on Bravo, I'm sure, and I'm also sure I'll be buying every DVD. But this will be the last time that I'll sit in front of my television and watch a fresh, new story about these characters whom I've come to love unfold before me.

So I gotta find something to fill the void. I think it'll take more than one show, honestly. I think there are three shows that I'll need. The first, the most obvious, is the new Sorkin show, Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip. The second is Battlestar Galactica. The third: The Office.

No matter what, this show shaped my politics, influenced my wit, and most importantly, informs my writing. Not that way. And I'll cherish the DVDs and try my best to write my own stories that might bring the same laughter, poignancy and introspection that this show has brought to me.

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