Monday, February 13, 2006

The new Aaron Burr

So you're smart, witty folk. I need you to help me. I was watching the news last night and when I heard about this, I busted out laughing, and LITERALLY, could not stop for five minutes. Time five minutes; it's a long time. [OK, maybe it was more like two minutes. NONETHELESS.] I could not stop laughing. It wasn't a chuckle, it wasn't like I guffawed and then changed the channel. I'm hoping that the Daily Show tonight will shed enough light on what it is, exactly, about this that I find so amusing, because I'm actually mildly horrified at my reaction. Still. Can't stop laughing every time I hear the story.

My favorite part of the all of this is that the press can't get an answer as to why the incident wasn't released the day it happened. Yeah. I can't imagine. I'm sure the folks in Cheney's camp weren't completely flipping out and trying to think of what they could possibly say about the fact that the Vice President of the United States shot a man in the head.

Anyway, I think part of what struck me about this was that this administration struggles right now, and adding this to the pile, is, obviously so, so bad for them, to the point of absurdity. But I think maybe it's also that he's just come across as such a hard-ass, that this huge statement of fallability is somehow humorous.

Does that sound right? Whatever. Let me know if you have a theory.

[ETA: The shooting victim has apparently had a heart attack due to one of the pellets migrating to his heart. So. Not really funny anymore. But the post stays b/c I still wonder at why it was so funny initially.]


Anonymous said...

so a few thoughs about this-

1) wow
2) an article on has the title "experts say cheney violated cardinal hunting rule" hmm...i wonder what that rule could be...hmm...oh yeah...don't shoot your friend who's with you in the head
3) i love the spin that's already been put on it...everyone's careful to mention that the guy who was shot, or sprayed with pellets (to make it sound betetr) was in the wrong and didn't "announce himself" when he came up from behind cheney. it's enough that the guy got shot, er, sprayed with pellets, but the whole world now knows that he doesn't announce himself while hunting
4) the main thing is this- this is a non-story...and this may not be popular here (and some reading this may disagree with me), but like Jess said, are we really shocked we didn't find out about this the day of...i mean, there seem to be a few things this administration has held back. this is the least of the withholdings...
but all this is doing now is occupying journalists who should be more focused on reporting actual issues and problems with our's just another distraction (that may help the administration because the longer the press focuses on this non-story, the less the public hears about illegal wiretapping and attorney generals who refuse to swear under oath (and yes, I realize there is some precedence for that) and the hundreds of thousands still hurting from Katrina...

okay. got that out.
but seriously...our vice president just shot his hunting buddy in the head.


Jessica Gray said...

Go to for some of the Daily Show coverage