Wednesday, January 03, 2007

"I have a relatively good track record, sometimes I miss."

I always cringe whenever I see Pat Robertson's name in a headline, not just because he gives Christians a bad name, but because he's also quite the narcissist separate from any confessed beliefs.

But this "God told me this is going to happen" nonsense has got to stop. He's not freaking psychic. All he's doing is taking the current trend and predicting obvious outcomes.

Even if God were speaking to him, he wouldn't be telling him that we're about to get nuked; he would be asking him to zip it.

God [booming voice]: "Patrick. Patrick! Whoa, take it easy. You're going to give yourself a heart attack. Yes, Patrick, I know I've never spoken to you directly before, and you know that. But that's not the story everyone else is getting, is it? Pat, seriously, I'm going to need you to stop telling anyone who will listen that I speak to you. These folks are having a hard enough time these days without you trying to scare them, and in my name, no less. Oh, and tell Falwell to shut it too."

Yeah, I think God says "folks." You don't?

Anyway, this is my point. It's bad enough that we've had Pat and Jerry out there for the last twenty years muddying up the waters about what a Christian looks and sounds like, but if Pat's really going to try to say that we're psychic, now, I'm going to need him to share. If I have to put up with him being such a vocally public ass, then in return I should get to be psychic too.

God: "Jessica, I already told you where your phone was -- don't get selfish."